Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Ike's turn to slam Cuba

I’m a landlocked Coloradoan, generally oblivious to hurricane season but this year I’m changed. After visiting the Yucatan and Cuba this summer, I pray for friends in those places who are being pelted by the onrush of hurricanes.

Cuba was clipped by Gustav last week but is now being bruised by Ike, which is running the length of the island. The photo at right is a shot of damage from Ike in Comaguey, Cuba.

Please pray that God will give the believers in Cuba opportunity to love their neighbors as they dig out from this storm. They can’t get our financial aid but they trust in God’s provision – and we can pray for that.

Here's more information:
Fox News report
Hurricane tracking maps
Satellite view of Ike
Tropical storm tracking

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where we are in GA is only an hour away from the coast now, so we're having to keep a closer eye on the weather now - the first predications of Hanna were that it was going to hit Savannah, and come right up our way. But yes, we're praying for Cuba and the Caribbean Islands (yes, I know I spelled that wrong) as Ike approaches.