Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Case for Life

When the idea was first presented to me, I was only 17. My concerns had more to do with where my friends were sitting and whether I had the right literature book in my stack than on issues.

So when a classmate plopped her books on the table beside me and announced, “I’d never get an abortion but I don’t think I should control what other people do,” that made sense to me at the time.

Because I gave it no thought at all. I didn’t consider any consequences of that statement. It just fit my idea of liberty: don’t step on others’ rights.

Eventually I did consider consequences and I changed my mind. But I wish Scott Klusendorf’s book, The Case for Life, had been available then.

Klusendorf is president of Life Training Institute, where he trains pro-life advocates to defend their views. His passion is equipping Christians to engage the culture with logic and thoughtful consideration of consequences.

He hits the floor running in The Case for Life, defining the issue immediately. While many dither about details, Klusendorf claims we must focus first on one point: is the unborn a human being?

I admire his “Trot out the Toddler” tactic. Those who argue that a poor woman should not be forced to bear a child must answer this question: could she kill the toddler she could not afford to feed? If a woman may abort the baby because pregnancy would ruin her chances for a college education, may we also agree that she could terminate the toddler who might spoil her educational possibilities?

Many pro-abortion arguments assume the fetus is not human. Clarifying that basic question helps illuminate issues.

The Case for Life is a valuable tool if you’re pro-life. If you're not, you ought to read this to see if your position holds up to a calm, logical debate.

Best-selling author Randy Alcorn calls this “a marvelous resource” and I agree.

You can find it at Amazon by clicking here.

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