Friday, October 16, 2009

Choices made today

This week, I've discussed some choices I made in innocence as a young person. I see God's grace to me, because I had not been well-prepared to dissect the logic and arguments of more worldly choices.

Yesterday I shared a chapter from Ken Ham's new book, Already Gone. It affected me profoundly as I am raising teenagers today in a world quite different from my teenage years.

Ham's argument is that we are losing our church-going children from conservative, Bible-believing churches. Although they are sitting in the seats right now, they are already gone in their mind.

Church has become irrelevant to them.

We see the results of that in our culture. We see a large number of church-going youths leave church and God when they leave home.

How can we help these young people?

They are faced with choices. Do they believe the Bible is true? Do they believe God is more wise than college professors? Where do they find truth?

The world welcomes them. Can we offer them a cool drink of living water and the hope of abundant life instead?

I highly recommend this book. I've been anxious to review it for weeks now. If you have any influence in your own family or if you care about young people in your church, you should read this book.

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