Monday, February 23, 2009


Charles believed his ministry was stirring up trouble. And he was good at it, pointing out every chink in a new idea and submarining most church ventures.

Doris liked to carry the flag for the traditions of her church. If someone dared ask, "why do we continue to do this activity year after year?" it was Doris who swooped on the scene to squash the questioner.

I've been thinking a lot about church dynamics since reading Leading Women Who Wound and have more thoughts I want to share with you.

I grew up in the church, and I've known people like Charles and Doris all my life. In their own heart, they believe they are defending the faith.

They are, in reality, corrupting the foundation of the body and need to be confronted. However, most of us would rather file our teeth down than confront someone. Even if it means letting unhealthy people tear apart what God has put together.

Think of conflict like this. When two people first are aware of their differences, they are still close enough to punch each other, figuratively speaking. But as the conflict grows, they move father apart and start hucking rocks at each other. Then they move further back so they can lob hand grenades and eventually get enough distance to blast each other with bazookas and heavy artillery.

Wouldn't it be better to get a bloody nose, so to speak, and end the conflict early, before the big guns come out?

So, after you read Leading Women Who Wound, I want you to check out the Peacemaking Ministries of Ken Sande. His basic premise is that, because God has reconciled himself to us, we can be reconciled to other Christians.

Peacemaking Ministries equips Christians to respond biblically. Rather than letting conflict rip a church or relationship to shreds, conflict can be faced head-on early and a body
strengthened. He has practical tools that we should all know and use frequently within the body of Christ.

Check it out.

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