Monday, March 30, 2009

Growing up

A statistic given at a seminar Saturday got my attention. The seminar was concerned with teaching at the high school level.

Today, 70% of young men aren't grown up until age 30. In the early 1960's, 30% of young men weren't grown up until age 30. Think of the change in 50 years.

Don't get sidetracked on the term "grown up." I know there are variations on that, but we can miss the bigger picture here. You know, and I know, young men who are without direction for most of their 20's - and some beyond.

At the seminar, the speaker commented that many of our young men have lots of energy but no direction.

We need a vision as we raise our teenagers. Specifically, they asked, what is God's calling for this young person?

It was a reminder to me that without vision, we are lost. We need a reason to get out of bed each morning.

As followers of Jesus, we are here to glorify God and be stewards of his world. I hope we can find ways to pass that purpose on to our children.

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