Sunday, March 1, 2009


Please check out my article on Strength as published in the March/April edition of Inspired Moms magazine. They have a nifty flip magazine or you can download a pdf file. My article is the last one in the magazine. I hope you'll take a look.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Blessings to you. I have been to your blog before, love the comment about having a degree in theology but not to hold it against you...
Your post of strength, brought to me courtesy of Google ALerts, is just what I needed today. I am being carried at the moment. My dad died suddenly two weeks ago, and my faith in Christ is all that sustains me. My mom is a mess. The journey has become a bit crooked, but the destination is the same. And with encouragers along the way like you, it is a bit easier.

Thanks, Kathy Pride
I blog at