Monday, April 30, 2007


Google Mook and the many hits that come up will wrestle with this odd term. There are several sites that simply ask, “what is a mook?” in sometimes mook-like terms. Take a look at Frontline, however, to get a better definition of a modern-day mook.

He’s your neighbor’s son. Maybe he’s your cousin or nephew. You’ve met him and seen him on TV. Frontline defines him as the “permanent adolescent.” He’s crude, loud, obnoxious, in your face, and seen on nearly every show that MTV has to offer. He’s a daredevil ever dreaming of spring break.

Frontline also says he’s a creation of marketers. He has to be nurtured by careful training from cradle to testosterone-crazed adolescence for one purpose: to so absorb the lifestyle that he buys what a mook buys. His wallet is open to the marketers, the “merchants of cool”.

A mook wears this brand of jeans. Buy. A mook drinks this soft drink. Buy. A mook listens to this music. Buy.

A mook becomes a slave to his marketers and to his lifestyle. He is branded for a lifestyle of loyal purchases dictated by the “merchants of cool,” who are raking in billions from their mooks.

Jesus said, “No servant can serve two masters.” (Luke 16:13)

Tomorrow: The Midriff

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