Just in case?
This has to be a joke, right? On a day dedicated to love, you could also add in some religious cheesiness as well......
I think it's another "just in case" product line.... as though God wants to know I honor him with my bubble bath choices, just in case that's important to him. It's not: he wants my heart instead.
Lord, help us.
I met a family from Eygpt who are here because of religious persecution, I have been told what they believe is "coptic" and I haven't figured out what that is yet, but they have all these statues of Jesus all over their house..kind of strange..but also have the muslim traits as well...pray three times a day at given times, and I could see them buying thier children Jesus bubbles...
I did laugh when I saw this stuff on the yahoo page..Jesus just wants our heart..Amen Sista!
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