Saturday, May 5, 2007


It was sixteen years ago when they laid a skinny little stranger on my stomach and we first met eye to eye. We had some skirmishes before that day and we’ve had a few since.

She once stood with her toes on the line, knowing she couldn’t cross but not willing to bend her heart. She danced naked in a mud puddle. She dunked cats in the water tank and flooded the back yard. She left crayon masterpieces on the walls. She unraveled all the cassette tapes left on the bottom shelf

But the day came when her heart turned and she raised her hands to her Savior. Today, she creates images to reflect her praise. She writes letters to the jail, embraces the lost and loves the struggling.

We still meet eye to eye but she is no stranger. She is a gift to me and others in her wake.

Happy birthday, Becky!

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