This is a simple request: please pray for Donna.
Donna lives in Texas but came to Colorado year ago and again this summer with a mission team from her church, to help us love on our community. She loved children with Jesus’ tenderness and spoke the gospel clearly to young mothers.
More than once, during her time in Colorado, I caught her and her husband sitting in a far corner, hands clasped together, praying fervently for people they’d met that day. Her heart belongs to Jesus and his plans are hers.
Now, cancer has returned. Donna has been in this battle before and hoped never to come back. But the fight is not over.
Although it has spread to her bones, liver, adrenal glands and lymph nodes, she and her family rejoice that there is no cancer in her brain. She starts chemo this week. Eight weeks from now, they’ll evaluate her condition and plan the next step.
At the same time, her adult daughter has to have surgery and so the family is wrestling with a double burden.
Please pray for Donna and her family. Ask Jesus for healing, for strength, for refining. The family has asked for grace to handle the double burden while honoring God for they can see how he has already provided.
Please leave a comment here for Donna. I want to gather them in a week or so and sent them on to her as an encouragement. Please bless her as she has blessed the King.
Donna, may the Lord be continually by your side as you go through this. May you know the peace that passes all understanding. The God of all comfort be with you each step of the way and with all those who will be involved in your treatment. I will be praying for you in the days ahead.
Oh Donna,
May you forever keep your eyes on Jesus the author and perfecter of your faith. I pray that you will be strong by Him so that you can be an awesome example of Him. I am praying you will come out like gold from enduring this trial. Praying courage and strength for your family. And above all for our great healer Jehovah Rophe to put His healing hands on you.
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