Daisy broke out Sunday morning and I learned in the adventure.
You need to know that Daisy was a wild child who wanted her own way and was leery of authority. I won’t describe the wrestling match involved in starting the tethering process.
But the break seemed to come. She lowered her head in obedience.
We weren’t satisfied with obedience, however. We wanted trust and began a long process of wooing her to us. We started with obedience but we really wanted love.
So when she escaped Sunday morning, I was anxious that the out-there might snag her attention. But her eyes were on me. After she saw me, she walked up calmly and began to follow me.
Daisy is a two-year-old filly that we saw transformed from an over-the-fence kind of baby into a gentle horse willing to trade the wide-open spaces for my hand and protection.
But Daisy is my teenage daughter and my pre-teen son, too. How the freedom can beckon! Many horses (and teens) are hungry for the green grass on the other side of the fence, not knowing the harm mixed with the pleasure.
Had Daisy bolted from me, she faced a field of ripe alfalfa – a sure death-trap for a greedy and hungry horse. She faced a highway with trucks rolling at 60 mph. She faced an irrigation ditch filled with rushing water and steep sides. Dangers crouched where she could not see.
I want our children to find a safe path, to look at our lead and follow.
And, it occurred to me as I brushed down Daisy Sunday, that our Father wants the same thing from us. He is willing to wrestle with us as he did with Jacob, to teach us obedience.
But the ultimate goal is, when the gate is open and the out-there whispers, that we search out his eye and follow him.
If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have obeyed my Father's commands and remain in his love.
John 15:10
Great post! I love this-"He is willing to wrestle with us as he did with Jacob, to teach us obedience."
I am in a weary wrestling match with my four year old. One day I pray she will learn obedience. The constant battle and unconditional love is a great challenge but I know it is worth it!
Much love,
Hang in there! I wrestled forever with my daughter but she's 16 now and what a blessing! She loves the Lord and is so responsible. AND she knows how to be a leader. Those young strong-willed ones can be used by God in powerful ways. Make your boundaries like a brick wall - but not too close in. Give her room within the boundaries to fly. I'll be praying for you!
Wonderful post, very insightful. (I'm here via Maxine)
So true, sometimes God has to intervene quickly and do some wrestling, but most often he is wooing us with his tender love to follow. If we would have but ears to listen and obey...
And the comparison to children is so true. Sometimes it's hard as a parent to "woo" when your last nerve is standing on end. (I have a sixteen year old son who's always been very laid back and a six-year-old son that let's just say has me on my knees in prayer constantly) But God is teaching me, slowly, to love like him.
Have a wonderful day, and by the way, I saw in your profile you like Casting Crowns, me too. Depth to their lyrics - they have lived it :) One of my favorites is "In the Storm".
Susan, welcome! thanks for your comments. Children can be so different. I have both, too. Laid-back and strong-willed. Different challenges with each. I'll check into "In the Storm." Thanks for the tip.
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