This whole plan began as an effort to eliminate family piracy. When my youngest children discovered contemporary Christian music, their spiritual barometer moved skyward. They were encouraged by the new music and challenged by thoughtful lyrics.
Then I discovered they were borrowing CDs from friends and family, burning them onto our computer, and listening through Windows Media Player. They had no money for tunes and thought they’d found the perfect solution.
After our discussion about piracy and digital theft, we had a brainstorm. I agreed to buy a CD a month with three of us choosing the CD on a rotating basis. They were free to buy their own or beg for gifts but they could count on the CD of their choice every third month.
It works pretty well. But here’s the deal. I need ideas!
Here’s what we’ve bought since January:
Go by Newsboys
Scars Remain by Disciple
Awaken by Natalie Grant
The Yearbook by KJ52
Hearts of the Innocent by Kutless
Open Wide this Window by GlassByrd
Chaotic Resolve by Plumb
Sing Alleluia by City on a Hill
Comatose by Skillet
Bigger Than My Imagination by Michael Gungor
Thrive by Newsboys
Can we say eclectic?
Do you have any recommendations? Does music help your worship? Or contemplation? What songs or artists or albums do you love?
Hi Kathy. I'm currently hooked on Kirk Franklin's Hero CD. It is REALLY good. Some of it really moves along, let me tell you, but go to my blog and click on "Imagine Me". The words are powerful.
We also love Casting Crowns. Travis Cottrell. Michael W. Smith. TobyMac. Have fun!
Susan, thanks for the ideas! I'm going to check them out. I wish there was a site for "sounds similar to" artists. I want to broaden our musical selection.
We subscribe to Rhapsody music online and they have "sounds similar to" recommendations under the artist that is playing.
Stellar Kart, Toby Mac...love so many! and My kids love these too! Casting Crowns, Mary Mary...whew my list could go on forever..go to the Christian bookstore and listen to a song off of different ones before you decide..sounds like fun!
Toby Mac-most any
Kirk Franklin-most any
Mandissa-She only has one out so far
Travis CottrelL!!!
Most of these are repeats but ones I love!
Anything by Third Day, I have four of their albums. Also love Mercy Me.
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