Wednesday, June 11, 2008

How does this work?

“How’s this going to work, Lord?” That may have been Abraham’s thought when God promised him children numbering like the stars in the sky. He and his wife had no children and were beyond child-bearing age.

That’s often our question when things look difficult.

Our family is going to Mexico in a couple of weeks to film a promotional video for a ministry there. (I’m highlighting the ministry tomorrow.) When the director of the ministry invited us to also fly into Cuba to film their work there, we hesitated.

Doing so more than doubled the cost of our trip. “How is this going to work, Lord?”

The director then added two more days to the trip. “I think you’ll really be blessed if you can do this,” he said as he directed us to a new mission work which will involve a long drive into the mountains of Cuba. “But if you can’t afford to go, do what you can.”

The price kept climbing.

We sent out a few letters to friends and family, asking for prayer and financial support. But crunch time came Sunday. We had to decide how much of the trip we would do. We prayed as a family and, taking a deep breath, pledged the money we’d set aside for our next car.

“You’ll be quadruple-blessed,” the director had told us, “if you can get to Cuba. You’ll see what God’s doing.”

So we’re going to Mexico and Cuba in two weeks to help promote God’s work there.

But that’s not the end of the story. A letter from friends came yesterday. In there was a check for the cost of the Cuba portion of the trip.

When the children of Abraham were ready to enter the Promised Land, Moses reminded them of God’s promise: “God, your God, has multiplied your numbers. Why, look at you—you rival the stars in the sky!” (Deut 1:10)

God’s promise to a childless couple had been fulfilled. Not only had they had a son, but now their offspring were a nation.

Moses had more words for these children. “And may God, the God-of-Your-Fathers, keep it up and multiply you another thousand times, bless you just as he promised.” (Deut 1:11)

We wondered, too, “How does this work, Lord?” and he opened his generous hand to us.

Today I can tell you that God is Jehovah Jireh, the Great Provider. We’re praising his name!


Jonathan said...

Debbie told me about this the other day. God is Great!!! May the Lord blow you away with the power of His works. Have a great trip.

Meg said...

Your trip sounds so exciting. I went to the Yucatan several times in the early nineties...what a place. The people are very freindly. God is so good to provide. Often in unexpected ways. That is great. Praying for you and your family.