Thursday, June 14, 2007

Our part of the deal

About once a week, a generous friend of a friend (his description of my character is so glowing) e-mails me about a new opportunity to help him and earn some money as well. His bank account might be in Nigeria or somewhere in Europe. It seems to move somewhat, but I could make several million dollars if I just did a couple of simple things out of the kindness of my heart.

I haven’t gotten around to it yet.

Yesterday we talked about God’s part in the contract with us. He initiates it and he remembers it forever.

This can look like a Nigerian scam: too good to be true. But that’s why we have to start by looking at the contract maker. I know nothing about this “friend of a friend” who e-mails me from all over the world. If I were going to pursue his proposal, I would spend a lot of time getting acquainted.

What do I know about God, the great contract-maker? Am I willing to investigate, to try him, to ask questions? Am I willing to consider a relationship with him – to check this out?

God is clear on his contract: I will be your God and you will be my people.

My part is clear: to be his. This is not about my efforts or a list of laws to be done. This is about relationship.

Scams appeal to greed but God invites us to join his family. Be my people. Love me as I love you. Obey me because you love me.

Check it out.

"I have loved you with an everlasting love;
I have drawn you with loving-kindness.”

Jer 31:3


Maxine said...

Thanks for this-- for pointing us to the contract-maker, our blessed covenant keeping Lord.
Let me say this, Kathy, that I like your spirit. I really appreciate your response to a comment here the other day about the Catholic Church. It was a very merciful and kind, and I think accurate, reflection on that whole issue. I particularly appreciated your statement that "God is bigger than institutions."
I want to encourage you in what you are doing here at your blog--you are doing a good work for the Lord. I wish I could get here more often, but my busyness with household, etc. sometimes prevents me from getting to my favorite blogs as much as I'd like.
Keep pressing on!

Maxine said...

Oh, I forgot to say--I think I might have the same friend!:)

Kathy said...

Maxine, your comments are a precious gift of encouragement to me. Thank you. God has definitely used you to cheer me as I journey along. I treasure your comments and appreciate your ministry. (And I'm not going to offer you millions for your kind help, either!)