Saturday, June 16, 2007

This is for the fathers

I know a man who wrenched his own heritage away from his children and planted a new legacy in its place. He started life like many of us, with a rebellious self-indulgent spirit. He left home at 16 and sired a child out of wedlock at 19. Theft, speeding, reckless driving pepper his background.

But, like so many, the day came when he had a wife and young children. He was just doing his fatherly duty in joining them at church when the Fisher of men hooked him. He was changed.

After that, he never hesitated to write a check for his children to go on mission trips or youth conferences or Bible studies. Summer church camps were a given. His kids were always there. He drove many van loads of kids to rallies and meetings.

I know another man who also did his duty. His kids were in church every Sunday and heard Bible texts every day. He taught them to fish and to pray, to shovel walks and carry groceries for the widows.

Lives are changed as fathers set aside their own schedule and appetite for their family. Not every father warms to the responsibilities of being a dad. Fathers disappoint, as do children.

But our measure is to be found in God, who always does his duty as our father. We don’t always deserve it, but he can change our lives with his devotion.

Happy Father’s Day! There are many men who have made a difference in their children’s heritage. They deserve our honor and respect. And praises to our Heavenly Father, who illustrates daily the love and wisdom of a faithful Dad.

O LORD, you are our Father.
We are the clay, you are the potter;
we are all the work of your hand.

Isaiah 64:8

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