Wednesday, June 13, 2007

What a deal!

I once signed a contract that I had no intention of keeping. I was new out of college, naïve in the world’s ways, and didn’t know how to get rid of the insurance salesman except to sign his contract and then cancel after he left.

It was a desperate strategy. But what if the insurance had gone on, even in the face of my cancellation letter? What if the insurance covered me without any premium money?

Ridiculous. Imagine, however, that a day came when I was hospitalized. The tab kept climbing as tests ordered and remedies attempted. The bill would be staggering, beyond my ability to pay. But, behold, this long-forgotten insurance kicked in, paying the full cost. This insurance I had never acted upon had paid my bill.

God made a contract with Adam: I will be your God and you will be my people. Adam thought he had a better plan.

God came to Abraham: Follow me. I will be your God, making your offspring into a great nation on this land. Abraham thought, what offspring? What land?

Jacob forgot the contract for a long time. It hadn’t been made to him anyway – or so he thought. But God had not forgotten. God renewed the contract even though the human parties often didn’t do their part.

This contract-making business is serious to God.

I have failed him a thousand times but his contract remains. I will be your God and you will be my people.

His people neglected to pay their premiums and tried to buy other plans. God never forgot the contract. As surely as the sun comes up every morning, God remembers his agreement.

'If you can break my covenant with the day and my covenant with the night, so that day and night no longer come at their appointed time, then my covenant…can be broken’

Jer 33:20-21

TOMORROW: Our part of the contract

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