I had a nightmare once at 18, where I woke up with heart pounding and sweat pouring. In my dream, I was 28 and unmarried. I could imagine nothing worse and consoled myself with the fact I had 10 years. Surely I’d find a husband by then.
Did I tell you I was a late bloomer?
I was well past 28 before God opened that door. But this isn’t a story about loneliness or defeat, but about God’s faithfulness.
The year before I married, I met a nice Christian man. We dated, we laughed, we went for long walks on the lakeshore. I thought, finally.
God said, end this relationship.
I’m ashamed to say that I argued with God for two months. I was sure that I was giving up children at very least if I obeyed. Perhaps I’d find a husband some day but it’d be too late for children.
But you know that weight that comes from disobedience? Either you get so numb you quit noticing or you finally do what you’re told.
I finally followed. The break came in December, making it a hollow holiday season.
Then Matt called, asking if he could stop by to talk to me. A tiny ember of hope glowed. Maybe he was calling about a date?
No. His parents, who had moved in with him to care for his children, had been in a car wreck while on a holiday trip. He had to bring them home. Could I stay with his children while he was gone?
Sure. I knew then I had reached the end of it. I couldn’t even tell when a guy was going to ask me out. I knew the gift of singlehood was mine.
If you were here last week, you know the end of the story. After the rescue mission, he called me again. And this time, we did set up a date.
Today I have a precious husband and six wonderful children, all of whom call me “Mom.” I treasure the family God gave me. God was faithful to me and his path was better than any of my plans. As always.
For the LORD your God is a merciful God; he will not abandon or destroy you.
Deut 4:31
Thank you for commenting on my blog on Sunday. I was really struggling with the Lord, and just did not want to go to church. I was getting ready but dragging my self. Then I got your comment, and it encouraged me so much. Needless to say...I made it to church on time, and the Lord blessed my soul deeply! I would have missed that...so God used you to help me out the door!
Princess to Princess
Darla, isn't God wonderful? He knew - and blessed you for your faithfulness.
Princess Kathy, HE Is wonderful, exciting, incredible and personal!! Life without HIM is no life...maybe that is exactly what HE meant when HE said HE is the life..i know the whole eternal thing is the hugest! but while we are here on this planet...HE is the life for today! :)
God bless you, Princess to Princess
Love your pic! Did you make that one? I love your story too. God has amazing plans for all of us. I always wonder why I ever doubt. But I am learning! He is completely trustworthy and your story speaks of that so clearly!
Much love,
Angela, thanks for noticing the pic. Yep, that's my Photoshop creation. I wanted something to reflect the triangle of marriage with God at the top. Thanks for your encouragement!
Your story resonates with me...the idea of obedience bringing freedom. The weight of walking and continuing in disobedience can be so crippling. Thanks for sharing your story. Meg
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